

Focusing on the spirit for the spirit of helping the self. Positive, provocative, congregational and certainly not conventional this journey is cyclical in nature and those cycles disconnect self from the spirit. Even when the help of the self is the focus of the spirit that connection to the spirit can in turn be its own downfall. The opposite depicting itself as a singular idea, can be narratively maddening. For within the perspective of reading linearly, the next word after the last ad infinitum, there may always be the effect of the inherent mechanics of thought. There will always be memories of before, that inform feelings in the now, which effect the future. An immortal triumphant of thrice great entities. Past present and future. All sisters speaking in riddles. The only hint being in whom begets the riddle. Spirituality is simply found in creativity. Words towards the knowing of the unknown allows what is unknown to be known. Why know though? If the spirit is there, not there, not somewhere, not just anywhere, right there, right here, quite near, incredibly clear, can’t you hear, too queer, not a leer, just a peer, dive off the pier, all clear, what a cheer, before a tear, what a gear, too sheer.


“Why do you breathe like that? All deep like that sometimes, is something wrong?” I didn’t have a good answer at the time, not really anyways, I wasn’t really thinking about why I did it, all I knew is that I did. “I guess to breath the moment in, to remember it.” Which wasn’t entirely false, even if it was an explanation that lacked depth. “You have a terrible memory, so maybe it doesn’t work.” It probably doesn’t, to be fair I’ve been late more times than I can count, but I needed that time to breathe in. To pause, and then exhale. If my last breath in this meat suit of mine begs me to ask the question about having regrets, I’ll have not lived a full life. In each of those moments, every deep breath, are the fragments that I wish to die remembering. Those tireless nights when sleep was apparently not my minds goal, and the times during a good stretch before my eyes creak open to the sunlight. When I nervously pause, and when I’m just sitting on the side of the road. Each of them I want playing during that last breath, so that my soul may finally know the reason for reprieve. I know my life has been well lived though the purpose in life is not purely to remember what is most impactful, but to be reminded that we only have one life to live. Every moment is precious, even when you’re so bored that you create a game with magnets on your mothers filing cabinet. Every moment is worth living, even if you’re only just alive in them.


An elated belly of the beat breathes deeper than feet upon broken heat. Treat the beat, release the beat, breathe and breathe until steeped in a magnificent bright heap. Follow the heat, follow the heart, listen to your feet and rip apart the tart part that wants what is neat. Repeat! Reheat the worn soul of zipped up holes. No sorrow for tomorrow for tonight we riot! Spry lots and begotten tots, pull up those socks and lock in place before run over by hideous space. A waste, no haste, don’t be a slave just to behave. Regress, compress relentlessly, suggesting instead fierce portrayals of the insides filled with purity and gaiety galore. Love is never poor, love is no whore, love is what we adore. Though don’t explore just for the gore. No need to further lore that doesn’t serve yore. Continuing sores is just a bore, phealing reopening wounds just as soon causes gloom. A moon, amen, full of the suns radiance reflecting reflections of light and love. A dove, flightlessly belies in high highs and grimey dimes, for never knowing what is underneath is never truly complete.


By definition, volition is the very act of conscious decision making. Choosing to act, deciding to parry an attack, or even evading the tackle all together. Have we not evolved into what can be considered a pondered form given the ability to truly pheal the pain born with us? Halt your thought, let pause the initially fraught. Is reaction the volition of something hidden even behind unconscious doubt? Genetics, never pretending the attending layers of what was given regardless of self discipline. Though, we get to choose. Sacrifice the reaction in order to attend your own creation. Spark thorough volition in each intention to set creation above destruction. Thus, construction through this portion of self exploration is achieved through determination. Drink the potion that severs location from tradition and realize no partition is the attribution to retribution. Creation itself is the libation straying the mind away from intention. Creation is the volition to act on reaction. Set sail the ocean, not by the notion of what once was lost in bygones, but by the love in the motion that the soul searches in.
